Upton moorings climb-down

Published: Wednesday, 19 June 2013

THE reversal of the decision to use the 'safe haven' moorings at Upton-on-Severn  for sole use of a trip boat has been published, Amy Dickerson tells us.

It is: Please be advised that this restriction is no longer in place. The Trip boat is no longer using the visitor moorings.

Unlike when it was decided to stop boaters using these important moorings on the Severn, but a trip boat instead, this notice gave little information and was unsigned.

Stupid decision

Of course it was the furore, led by narrowboatworld (Another kick in the teeth for boaters) quickly taken up by the forums that put so much pressure on CaRT, pointing out how stupid a decision it was to stop boaters using the only safe haven between Worcester and Gloucester, on what could be a treacherous river, that caused it to see sense and back down.

It was CaRT's Boating Trade Manager, Susie Mercer, that introduced the ban, with absolutely no consultation whatsoever, simply stopping boaters using the moorings with immediate effect.

Though the decision was made, she asked for comments—and certainly had them.