Looked in vain

Published: Thursday, 09 May 2013

WHILST I welcome a new face on the Bridge (or should that be hand on the Helm?), I looked in vain for a relationship Richard [Parry] may have had with a charity, writes Jimmy Lockwood.

Canal & River Trust is one of the UK's largest non-human charities and its management must recognise that position.

Cultural shift required

An internal cultural shift is required if CaRT is to fully exploit the benefits that charitable status affords. CaRT management must demonstrate publicly that it can be trusted (the clue is in the title) to make the best use of resources and funds.

Only by doing so will it unlock the generous support that is available, in the form of finance or time, from the general public, grant-aid bodies corporate sponsors and voluntary groups.

Decisions are yours

In railway terms it is like winning a franchise where there is no Network Rail but the Department for Transport has instead been replaced by the Charity Commissioners! The infrastructure and the decisions are all yours.

So Richard, success of the charity depends on you!  Good Luck!