Suggestion to make a difference

Published: Monday, 28 January 2013

WITH Canal & River Trust somewhat in the Doldrums in relation to its boating customers, Peter Ponting has a suggestion that could make a difference.

CaRT have 11 regions. North East, North West, North Wales and Borders, Central Shires, East Midlands, Manchester & Pennine, West Midlands, Kennet & Avon, London, South East and South Wales & Severn.

Each region has full time employed people, who we never see. Yes they all have good educational qualifications and are professional people, but what do they do?

How about this for a proposal?

If each of the 11 regions finds time to set up a user group, and meet every quarter, at a well publicised place, perhaps they may hear the views of users of the canal system.

That way, canal users can have their say, to somebody, who they think might be listening.

And you never know, if all 11 regions hear the same thing, in a couple of years they may formulate a plan.