Don't dump waste

Published: Thursday, 24 January 2013

THERE is a call from Canal & River Trust calling on people who 'use the Regent's Canal to take care of the environment and stop dumping their household rubbish on the towpath'.

CaRT has been faced with bins, that are for light litter, overflowing with household rubbish and human waste.

Spills onto towpath

The amount of domestic rubbish being dumped spills onto the towpath next to the bins causing an eyesore and an unsanitary environment for towpath users, with the problem being particularly bad in Islington, around Broadway Market in Hackney and at Mile End Park, we are told.

Sam Thomas, CaRT's London Maintenance Manager remarks:

"While the majority of people take care of the canal, unfortunately their enjoyment is being spoilt by a selfish minority who are bringing bags stuffed full of domestic rubbish and worse from their homes and dumping them in a public place. We empty the bins in the morning and within an hour they'll be full again."

However, householders have told that it is the resident boaters at visitor moorings, with no facilities that dump the waste, as reported in narrowboatworld.