Victor: Rebounding

Published: Sunday, 30 December 2012

I NOTICE the matter of the Inland Waterways Association hijacking the voting for the four independent boaters' places on CaRT has again raised its ugly head.

But I wonder if those at the IWA in their urge for more power really thought it through.

They knew its sheep would vote as told, and that the association would get all the places, but from what is now being written, and the number of members it has subsequently lost, I reckon that they could now be regretting the decision, as it has certainly rebounded.

It is generally thought to be nothing but sordid power-grabbing, with little care for independent boaters.

What do you think?

Here it is, a new type of lock being constructed to take boats up and down the hill on that proposed waterway to the M1.  It will move boats 50 feet in one swift movement, though may scratch a bit of paint in the process.

At last

Pleased to see our Thomas has at last realised that the waterways are no longer governed by British Waterways but Canal & River Trust, and has actually amended the information in 'Basics'.

Not only this, but has also realised the forum is no longer in operation, and so — at long last — has deleted all reference.  About time!

What happened

It was just a few months back that he made the pronouncement that the continuous cruiser debate had ended, but I see that it is still going strong—in fact worse than ever.

He reckons it's not so much continuous cruiser debate however, but continuous moorer debate.  So what?  It's getting boring.

Poor system

Our Ralph has well pointed out the failures in the system of checking the whereabouts of boats, to see if they actually move.

During the winter months, floods permitting of course, we take our boat during our days 'off', either up the Soar or should we want to work on it, up above Derwent Mouth.

Over the past few months, cleaning the boat, touching-up the paint or servicing we have been moored at Derwent Mouth on Tuesdays a few times, and in exactly the same spot.  So what does the checking system make of that I wonder...

Another one

Yes, my friends, another new year, but somehow or other I can't see many leafs being turned...

Victor Swift