George's–directors involved

Published: Wednesday, 05 December 2012

GRAHAM Phillips who first brought the matter of George's on the Audlem Flight to our attention, tells us that the matter has now gone to Canal & River Trust director level!

Such has been the response after the narrowboatworld revelation, and the general condemnation of CaRT, concerning what after all was allowed by the former British Waterways, that its directors now see that this has to be settled more amicably, and are meeting today.

You wrote

It was Gillie Rhodes who told us....The new Trust seems to have a really ‘jobsworth' approach to things. It was Robert Hawkins who told CaRT...I feel it is madness to put another business on the scrap heap. I don't see anything to be gained here, and believe that there will be many more of us.

Writing in narrowboatworld, contributor Peter Ponting told....The bullying tactics of CaRT against individuals trying to help the network, show the way forward for the people of CaRT. And it was our Political Journalist, Allan Richards who this morning rather summed it up...Trust's attempt to close George's Pork & Poultry Shop at Audlem (CaRT closes handy shop-3/12/2012) has descended into farce.


There are others of course, all of whom take the same view of the unfeeling attitude of CaRT these days to anything it has the slightest objection to.

As Graham started it all, he can have the last word:

"Just heard that CaRT are going to be discussing the issue at director level this afternoon. The business is no bigger than 12 metres square and they feel they have to get the directors involved? Baffling!"