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Published: Thursday, 11 October 2012

MANY of you should have noticed items appearing in narrowboatworld written by Frank Hurst, his latest being on how the breach on the Trent & Mersey Canal is affecting his fellow boaters.

This is because Frank brings in another non-CaRT waterway to narrowboatworld—the Bridgewater Canal, with of course many of his compatriots purchasing a Canal & River Trust licence, but now unable to use it.

Rather controversial

He has written many article for the site, many rather controversial, for as he remarks in his introduction in 'The Team':

I speak out if I see injustice in any form, I do not suffer anyone who takes advantage of anyone else and believe in keeping my word and working for the collective good and believe that hard work should be rewarded, and shirkers should be avoided. I make no apologies for my views.

Narrowboat since 1997

Frank has owned a narrowboat since 1997, has widely cruised the system and is a member and Vice President of the Bridgewater Motor Boat Club at Runcorn.

We welcome Frank as a regular contributor to narrowboatworld—widely considered as having the best writers in the business. Perhaps because they all do it for their love of the waterways, and not for monetary reward.