£1 million wanted for HQ

Published: Thursday, 23 August 2012

THE Kennet & Avon Canal Trust is hoping to renovate its headquarters at Devizes Wharf but needs £1 million for the work required.

The building is in a sorry state of repair, so much so that the Trust considered vacating when faced with the cost of £500,000 for repairs, but was saved by an agreement with Wiltshire County Council that owns the property, Alan Tilbury tells us.

The warehouse by the waterway at the wharf houses the visitor shop, museum and newly reopened café as featured recently in narrowboatworld.

Already spent

Over £100,000 has already been spent on repairs to roof beams and rotting floors, with a wall repaired by its own volunteers, but the roof, that is not insulated is a major problem, allowing the heat to go straight out.

A decision has been reached to launch the £1 million appeal to completely renovate the building, that will include upgrading the museum.