Another own goal

Published: Monday, 09 April 2012

Mr Phillips is correct, policing of honey-pot sites does work. I have been mooring warden at Camden visitor mooring for ten years and have done exactly what he suggested in his article, writes  Simon Grindrod.

My colleague Tim did the same at Little Venice, but as of last week there are no mooring wardens left on the system. I stopped enforcing the rules some weeks ago as I had no one to report to at British Waterways.


The result is long over-stays on both moorings, also inappropriate mooring and triple mooring in some places.  So having axed a service that cost British Waterways nothing it has created more moorings problems in central London. Bit of an own goal.

Currently I am still at my post opening and closing gates and acting as security for my mooring. For how long for I don't know, until they remember I exist and finally move me on!