Testing the Basingstoke

Published: Monday, 09 April 2012

BOATERS have been testing the Basingstoke again—but  only as far as Brookwood, as water levels dictate that Deepcut Flight cannot be opened due to winter maintenance which saw a lot of the pounds dewatered.

Refilling these pounds would put the two upper pounds in 'danger' and we have a number of commercial operators up there,  Kathryn Dodington tells us.

Suspended animation

Another boater tells us that the Basingstoke Canal has been in suspended animation for a good few years for various reasons, not least that is owned by Hampshire and Surrey County councils jointly, who have spent very little money on its upkeep since restoration in the ‘70's, until now.

Several large trees have been felled at the Wey Navigation end and the Woodham Flight appears to be in good condition, with some attention paid to paddle gear and lock gates in good condition, however, the bottom is too near the top and is in need of some serious dredging.

Once above Woodham Top Lock, the going was much better in clear water for some distance, although there is still plenty of weed, timber and other rubbish afloat.