Voting for CART opens today - The candidates Page 5

Published: Wednesday, 08 February 2012

I have owned a boat on the Birmingham &Worcester Canal for the past 33 years.

I worked for five years in a Boat Build and Hire Company in Alvechurch and I am passionate about our waterways and the environment.

My main concern is the ever-increasing cost of owning and running a pleasure craft, and if elected to Council, my mandate will be to ensure that NO boater will be priced off the water.

British Waterways have done a good job, and the momentous task that the Trust faces will not be easy, especially with the dark black financial clouds that the country has forecast.

Within the boating community, boat clubs, volunteer groups, etc, every encouragement must be given to nurture the enthusiasm they have.

I wish to carry on enjoying the waterways and for you to do the same.


I have more than 40 years boating experience, a long-standing IWA Trustee specifically responsible for supporting waterway restoration, Droitwich Canals Trust Chairman and a successful hard working waterways campaigner.

With your support I hope to:

Establish primacy for boating
Prevent navigation being subsumed by other waterway interested bodies
Stop the spiralling costs of boating
Seek internal and external cost reductions
Reduce ‘top heavy' Management costs
Establish salaries equivalent to ‘like' charities
Develop a proper dredging programme
Improve vegetation management
Increase provision and improve essential boaters facilities
Prevent closures
Seek network expansion
Re-establish the Right of Navigation
Establish opening hours to suit the users
Compensate for long term closures
Encourage residential boating
Legitimize those who have chosen the waterways as their home
Establish security of tenure
Develop measures to enable all levels of society's participation in traditional boating activities

I do hope I can count on your support.


My name is Richard Wiltshire. I am looking for your support for my nomination to the Canal & River Trust. I have been involved with the waterways system for many years, through work and pleasure, and therefore have a vested interest in ensuring their protection. There are many changes taking place within our waterways and hopefully through our combined efforts we will produce something which can be enjoyed and protected for the future.

My aim is to contribute to preserving the waterways for all, whatever our pastimes or hobbies. Walkers, boaters or fishermen appreciate the rivers and canals and all have a responsibility to contribute to their survival.

With your support I can voice any concerns that you have about the changes and help to shape the future of our waterways. I attend various committee meetings related to the protection and preservation of the Severn and offer my support as and when necessary.

List last updated: 31/01/2012