Email: Boaters' wash
Published: Monday, 26 September 2011
Given Pam's recent comment about a boater's wash, I thought I might mention the obvious and state that breaking waves generally occur due to shallowing water.
And whilst I wasn't there and Pam's ‘miscreant' certainly sounds like a ‘wilf', if our navigations had the profile they were supposed to be cut to, instead of being in their present parlous state, we'd actually be capable of making the present canal navigation limit of 4 mph in many places, if we want to, rather than ‘polishing the pots' by being on just over tick-over all the while.‘Course, the canal bank squatters would love that!
But these are canal navigations (bit of a clue, that, methinks) plus I do like the scenery to change a bit, please...)
Geoff Smith, Nb Minimo.