No Daventy Canal
THE constant effort to create a canal to Daventry and a basin in the town has once again been rejected by the Town Council.
Time and time again, with plan after plan, as regular readers of narrowboatworld will know, there as been an effort to create a canal from the Grand Union to Daventry town centre together with a basin surrounded by dwellings.
But again the plan has been rejected by the Town Council, Peter Lloyd tells us.
Deficient in open space
The grounds for rejection by the Town Council include its stated policy to support the retention of significant public open green space, quoting that the Open Space, Sport and Recreational Strategy Report states that Daventry Town Council is deficient in open space.
It was pointed out that the residents of Daventry both in a Parish Poll and in the council's own cosultation in its news letter, also mayor's walkabouts and the recent drop-in session, in all this consultation there as been consistent public rejection of the proposals for a canal and basin from the residents who have taken part.
Being the council's primary responsibility to speak out for the majority of Daventry residents, and in holding this principle it rejected the application.
In February of this year, rather jumping the gun, the Daventry Canal Association was formed, but it is not known what will now happen to this association following rejection upon rejection of the plans to create the waterway.