Fund raiser appointed
A PROFESSIONAL fund raiser has been appointed for the new charity that is being set up to manage canals and rivers in England and Wales, it has been announced today. (Wednesday).
Ruth Ruderham has had more than a decade of fund raising experience, and will come to the new waterways charity from Christian Aid, where she has helped them to grow income beyond £100m for the first time in its history. She has also previously worked at Friends of the Earth and Crisis, and in 2005 was named Professional Fund Raiser of the Year.
Warm welcome
Simon Salem, Director of Marketing at British Waterways, tells us:
"The nation's 200 years old canals need a sustainable plan for their future, which is why we have been championing the move to charitable status for some time. Voluntary fund raising will be an important part of this and I extend a very warm welcome to Ruth, who joins the team with an outstanding record in fund raising growth, strategy and, most importantly, income. Ruth will lead the waterways charity into a new era of voluntary giving. It's one of the most exciting fund raising challenges around right now."
Ruth is pleased to be joining the new charity remarking:
"I am delighted to join British Waterways at this critical stage in the history of the waterways and it is an incredible privilege to be the first fund raiser the new charity will ever employ. The plans that British Waterways have already developed are really exciting and I can't wait to start recruiting supporters of this unique and important cause."
The trustees
The new waterways charity transition trustees are:
Lynne Berry—boat owner and chief executive of WRVS, a charity that champions older people.
John Bridgeman—a leading expert in competition and fair trading.
Jane Cotton—deputy chief executive and HR director of Oxfam.
John Dodwell—waterway campaigner and former chairman of the Commercial Boat Operators Association.
Tom Franklin—chief executive of Ramblers.
Tony Hales—(chairman) existing chairman of British Waterways' non-executive board.
Nigel Hugill—chairman/advisor for a number of major property development businesses.
Simon Thurley—chief executive of English Heritage.