Promoting the proposed link
THE Bedford & Milton Keynes Waterway Trust is to promote a walking and cycling event around Wootton, to further the promotion of the proposed link.
This year's route starts at Kempston Mill and is a mostly urban walk of approx three miles. Those walking on this section of the proposed route in 2006 will be amazed at the changes, we are told. (The picture is of the participants of a former walk.)
Bypass complete
The Western bypass is complete and a section of the A421 is now a motorway. The walk will weave between the new roads and housing developments following the proposed waterway and Sustrans Route 51 cycleway route.
There are some busy roads, quieter on Sunday and occasional rough track. The walk will end at the Black Horse pub at Potters Cross where refreshments are available. Minibus available for those who want a quick return to the Mill. Walker are advised to wear sensible shoes.