British Waterways to be abolished
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A LEAKED Cabinet Office document published by the Daily Telegraph has revealed that British Waterways is indeed on the list of public bodies, known as quangos, that will be abolished by the new government.
The complete list comprises of some 177 quangos, with British Waterways' name appearing under the heading 'Bodies to be abolished', that also includes that of the Inland Waterways Advisory Council that we had already revealed.
Environment Agency could be safe
A surprise is that the Environment Agency comes under the heading of 'Bodies still under review', and therefore could be saved, but there are no waterways bodies under 'Bodies to be retained'.
The government has promised it would smash the 'gravy train' of the many quangos introduced by the previous government, with their colossal waste of public money on many useless bodies, and their highly paid officials, though in actual fact neither British Waterways nor the Environment Agency are technically quangos, being left over from nationalisation.
'Third way'
Very much is now being made of the 'third way', by the use of volunteers to take the jobs of British Waterways' staff, but this appears to many, and especially to narrowboatworld contributors to be a retrograde step, leaving the welfare of a 200 years old system in the hands of untrained amateurs.
British Waterways Chief Executive Robin Evans has been quick to attempt to quell his staff's concerns:
"You may have heard news reports this morning that British Waterways is one of the public bodies facing the axe as part of next month's government spending review. This is part of the inevitable speculation that happens before such reviews.
‘I know this is unsettling and so I want to share with you what I believe will happen—based on close discussion with ministers and officials.
‘The Westminster government is very close to making a firm decision to go ahead with our proposal to move BW's waterways into a charity. We expect an announcement about that in more detail next month. This would be a tremendous result for us as it adopts the strategy we have argued for during the last 18 months.
"Clearly there are still a great many areas to look at before a major move like this can take place: The new trust will need governance structures put into place and the level of future government funding through a contract will need to be agreed. Defra is looking at the possible inclusion of EA navigations and the Scottish government will want to consider the inclusion of Scottish waterways."
However the Environment Agency refused to drawn, offering no comment.
For those of you interested in the public bodies to be abolished, here is the list of all 177:
Administrative Justice and Tribunal Council
Advisory Board on the Registration of Homeopathic Products
Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens
Advisory Committee on Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare Associated Infections
Advisory Committee on Borderline Substances
Advisory Committee on Carbon Abatement Technologies
Advisory Committee on Historic Wreck Sites
Advisory Committee on National Historic Ships
Advisory Committee on Organic Standards
Advisory Committee on Packaging
Advisory Committee on Pesticides
Advisory Committee on the Government Art Collection
Advisory Committee on the safety of Blood, Tissues and Organs
Advisory Council on Libraries
Advisory Group on Hepatitis
Advisory Panel on Local Innovation Awards
Advisory Panel on Standards for the Planning Inspectorate
Agricultural Dwelling House Committees (16 bodies)
Agricultural Wages Board for England and Wales
Agricultural Wages Committees (15 bodies)
Air Quality Expert Group
Alcohol Education and Research Council
Animal Welfare Advisory Committee
Appointments Commission
Audit Commission
British Educational Communications and Technology Agency
British Nuclear Fuels
British Shipbuilders
British Waterways
Capacity Builders
Caribbean Board
Churches Conservation Trust
Commission for Integrated Transport
Commission for Rural Communities
Commissioner for the Compact
Committee on Agricultural Valuation
Committee on Carcogenicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment
Committee on Medical Aspects of Air Pollutants
Committee on Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment
Committee on Mutagenicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment
Committee on the Safety of Devices
Commons Commissioners
Consular Stakeholder Panel
Council for Healthcare Regulatory Excellence
Courts Boards (19 bodies)
Crown Court Rule Committee
Cycling England
Darwin Advisory Committee
Disability Employment Advisory Committee
Disability Living/Attendance Allowance Advisory Board
Disabled Persons' Transport Advisory Committee
Expert Advisory Group on HIV/AIDS
Expert Panel on Air Quality Standards
Farm Animal Welfare Council
Food from Britain
Foreign Compensation Commission
Gene Therapy Advisory Committee
General Social Care Council
General Teaching Council for England
Genetics and Insurance Committee
Government Hospitality Advisory Committee on the Purchase of Wines
Government Strategic Marketing Advisory Board
Health Protection Agency
Hearing Aid Council
Herbal Medicines Advisory Committee
HM Inspectorate of Court Administration
Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority
Human Genetics Commission
Human Tissue Authority
Independent Advisory Group of Sexual Health and HIV
Independent Advisory Group on Teenage Pregnancy
Independent Living Fund
Independent Review Panel for the Classification of Borderline Products
Independent Review Panel on the Advertising of Medicines
Infrastructure Planning Commission
Inland Waterways Advisory Council
Insolvency Practitioners Tribunal
Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisations
Legal Deposit Advisory Panel
Legal Services Commission
Legal Services Ombudsman
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation
Main Honours Advisory Committee
Magistrates' Court Rule Committee
Museums, Libraries and Archives Council
National Housing and Planning Advice Unit
National Information Governance Board
National Joint Registry Steering Committee
National Policing Improvement Agency
National Standing Committee for Farm Animal Genetic Resources
National Tenant Voice
National Endowment for Science, Technology and Arts
Office for the Civil Society Advisory Bodies
Olympic Park Legacy Company
Pesticides Residues Committee
Public Guardian Board
Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency
Railway Heritage Committee
Regional Development Agencies (8 bodies)
Renewables Advisory Board
Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution
School Food Trust
School Support Staff Negotiating Body
Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition
Security Commission
Security Industry Authority
Spongiform Encephalopathy Advisory Committee
Standards Board for England
Strategic Advisory Board for Intellectual Property
Sustainable Development Commission
Teachers TV Board
The Theatres Trust
Thurrock Thames Gateway Development Corporation
UK Chemical Weapons Convention National Authority Advisory Committee
UK Film Council
Union Modernisation Advisory Fund
Veterinary Residues Committee
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Advisory Board
West Northamptonshire Development Corporation
Women's National Commission
Zoos Forum