New dry dock for Birmingham
DRY dock facilities are now available for boaters in Birmingham at the Hockley Port site.
It is Sherborne Wharf Ltd who purchased the dry dock for the maintenance of boats from Birmingham City Council, with the wharf previously a major railway interchange basin between the railway and canal system.
With little facilities in Birmingham the dock should be greatly appreciated by boaters wishing to undertake DIY blacking, stern repairs and the like.
The dry dock had laid unused for many years, and required major investment to bring it up to modern standards associated with such an operation. Boats requiring below waterline maintenance can make arrangements to use the dock.
Fully accessible
The guillotine gate allows it to be emptied of water within 20 to 25 minutes, thus leaving the boat standing on chocks and fully accessible.
Sherborne Wharf Ltd was started by Earle & Toni Wightman in 1994 as a passenger boat service, and subsequently was redeveloped and is now a marina and boatyard. It is situated directly behind Brindley Place.