That was a surprise!
HAVING just struggled up the 'terrible six' broad locks on the Trent & Mersey Canal we thouht we would have a look at Mercia Marina, that we read so much about, writes Paula Drew.
That was a surprise! Though I think my partner Jeff didn't like the idea, for I let myself loose in those shops that I never knew existed. It was a revelation, there was so much there we couldn't take it all in so stayed overnight and sampled a restaurant, though being spoilt for choice. Sorry, I forgot its name, that was somewhat unusual, but its fare was first class.
And I had my way and stayed for another day our investigating what was on offer, being taken by the various statues and art-work all over the place, with Jeff getting his own back on the spend when he espied a rather large Midland Chandlers!
I picked up the literature in the office, that I was told is moving to new premises whilst another block of shops and flats are being built, so little wonder it is called Mercia Marina village and Park, it certainly is.
A pity we live and have our mooring so far away, otherwise...!