Victor wonders how much longer these repairs are going on

Published: Saturday, 01 February 2025

IN ADDITION  to the various winter works, there are no few long running repairs that seem to be taking a long, long time to complete.

And of course costing the hell of a lot of cash.

As to the cash, the replacement of gates on Lock 40 on the Hatton Flight of the Grand Union is costing an eye watering £269,000! As of course contractors will take quite a lot of Mondays to Fridays to complete.

Yet I well remember some 20 years ago when the gates at Sawley Flood Lock were replaced it taking just three days to replace a set. Then as the next set had been done when we next visited we were told that took four days as there was a problem, making  seven days in all for complete gates replacement.  What a difference eh?

Let's take the various repairs as reported by our Keith.

Leeds & Liverpool Canal

There was a 'blown' cill on the 13th December on the Leeds & Liverpool with the navigation closed, but not told which lock, only told 'the navigation is closed between Newlay and Kirkstall locks, the intermediate top chamber gate cill has blown.'

Then came the notice that operatives are attending the site to assess works required.

Seven weeks on and still nothing done, with the cill still to be repaired and the only intimation is that materials are being sourced.

South Stratford Canal

Wilmcote Top Lock 40, on the South Stratford Canal was closed on the 24th January as an 'issue' with a gate.

This was investigated and discovered a bottom gate has suffered a loss of support from its anchor and had detached rendering the gate inoperable.

The gate is fouling on the lock invert and could become detached so the navigation is closed.

However, Investigations are still ongoing, and the trust is in the process of scheduling an on-site meeting to assess the temporary works required for the repairs. And so on it goes...

Kennet & Avon Canal

Sheffield Lock 101 on the Kennet & Avon failed as its wooden quoins were 'in bad condition' it was discovered and needed replacing a month ago on the 28th of December.

And now we are told the navigation will be closed for a month from the 15th March 2025 through to the 17th April 2025. It cannot be done sooner as there is not the manpower.

When first reported we were told the failure was due to vandals,  but how this could be achieved was not told.

And I see these non-existent vandals are blamed by Damian in the Canal & River Trust Blag Rag.

And the saga

That has to be the Loco Lift Bridge on the Huddersfield Broad Canal whose stoppage now goes back to the 18th November and gives a clear indication that those who are attempting to repair it just can't

I can remember the excuses that have been given over the 11 weeks of attempting to get it working, and that have failed, because, quite obviously, they haven't a clue.

It started with it being confirmed the motor has failed. It has been removed and taken to a workshop for inspection and repair. But then found that it worked perfectly!

Then the issue was found to be a clutch fault, and had to be sourced from Germany.  A new clutch assembly arrived and was fitted, but it still didn't work!

So then a contractor attended the site to check the electronics and 'for the week worked on parts to make the fix'.

But the contractor had it wrong, as the fix made no difference, the bridge still did not work!

Then it seems the contractors gave up the ghost, as all we were told was that they were seeking parts to fix the bridge. Not telling what parts or how to fix the bridge.

So with the very occasional hand wind a few boaters manage to get through.

But now nearing three months and the Loco Lift Bridge is no nearer being repaired than it was at the start. Surely there is someone, somewhere, who knows its fault—but certainly not a contractor.

Cheap labour

It would seem that the trust have run out of contractors and are now relying on volunteers to do the work.

For every Saturday from 1st February to 29th March, its volunteers will be undertaking repair and partial resurfacing work on the towpath between Bridge 33 and Bridge 35a on the Shropshire Union Canal in Gnosall Heath.

The towpath will remain open, but walkers and cyclists are asked to exercise caution and adhere to any signage or guidance provided by the volunteers during this period.

One way of saving a bit of cash, eh?


I thought it necessary at this time to show just how poor the upkeep to the system is, the exorbitant cost of contractors who really all too often do not know what they are doing, and the ridiculous time they take to do it.

Giving some idea what the boss man is leaving behind after his encumbrance of being in charge.

And not forgetting the 22 stoppages for repairs in December, with many still to be completed.

Victor Swift—telling tales for 25 years