Comparing the two

Published: Friday, 31 January 2025

I REALISE that the Middle Level has somewhat less infrastructure than those of the Canal & River Trust, writes Barry Fowkes.

But the statement by Kelvin Alexander-Duggan comparing the two really hit the nail on its head.

He wrote that 'There have been no major problems and any smaller problems have been quickly sorted. Even at this time of year boating is possible if you allow for changing water levels and rolling waves on the wider section of the waterways'.

The Middle Level obviously uses its own team that also obviously keep an eye on its waterways and puts in a bit of maintenance to stop any further problems, something that used to be done on our waterways, but alas no longer.

Canal & River Trust now relying on contractors, whose working leaves a great deal to be desired, and like yourselves, I too have been caught out by its Monday to Friday operation. One that required a great deal of sitting-about by the 'workers' to get to Friday!  But a bit of persuasion by another boater had us through on the Wednesday as the paddle job was done, but they still closed the lock after we had passed through as the week wasn't up.

Absolutely ridiculous and really ripping-off Canal & River Trust. No wonder it is feeling the pinch.