Drop-in volunteers wanted
THE SHORTAGE of volunteers has meant that Canal & River Trust is asking for 'drop-in' volunteers.
The Crick Towpath Task Force is needing extra hands to carry out its work, Janet Friend reports.
With the trust telling that drop-in roles offer a great way to meet other local trust volunteers and staff, learn new skills, hear about other volunteer opportunities or just spend a few hours outdoors improving your local waterway environment.
No formal skills
There are no formal skills required and you have the chance to volunteer across lots of unique and beautiful environments.
Sign up, join us, the trust invites, and meet the team for a fantastic volunteer experience. The drop-in role is all about getting a taste of volunteering and joining us at your leisure to take part in one of our open Welcome Sessions.
We have a host of easy to access volunteer opportunities that will help to make a huge impact to your local canal, with one-off taster events being held across the waterways. Applicants must be 18 or over.