Celebrating Severn power station

Published: Friday, 31 January 2025

A FREE event will celebrate Worcester's bygone power station by the Severn.

The Power of Worcester project is hosting the event on Tuesday, 4th February on Diglis Island on the river, Janet Friend reports.

SeversDiglis IslandLockShare memories

People are invited to share their memories and stories of the city's former power station at Diglis Island from 2pm to 3.30pm.

Crave Arts and history experts will be present with information and photos to show interested visitors at the event.

Refreshments are available at the event and there is the opportunity to take an optional short tour of the island to see its interests. (Picture by Discover History.)

As the historic site can be hard to access due to uneven ground, so attendees with access needs are encouraged to contact the organisers in advance.