In a lot worse condition

Published: Monday, 27 January 2025

NO MATTER the congratulations from the chairman David Orr of Canal & River Trust about the chief executive Richard Parry's many achievements, etc, etc, writes T. Lang.

The waterways are in a lot worse condition than they were when he took over just after the trust was formed.

Like yourselves, I have been a boater for 30 years, and under British Waterways its lengthsmen noted a possible failure and reported it and then it was rectified. And this in addition to the maintenance that was then so important, resulting in virtually no stoppages.

With 33 breakages closing the waterway in July and another 35 in August and maintenance virtually given up how can this be called anything but a disaster?

Would have been prevented

For like you, I was stopped a number of times by things that I believe would have been prevented by maintenance.

Never mind how it all came about, Parry's fault or bad decisions from above, the waterways are now a mess. Okay they are a few years older but that doesn't make for the situation that they are now in.

Little wonder there are so many boaters taking up living in marinas, it's the safest place. And still they are being built, in addition to the many already constructed on the Trent & Mersey. Little wonder I found fewer boats whilst I was cruising, they are all tucked safely away!