MP demands closed towpath be reopened

Published: Monday, 04 November 2024

GUILDFORD MP Zöe Franklin wants access to a closed towpath be reopened.

It was five years since the towpath was closed preventing its use on the Wey Navigation between Guildford and Godalming, Janet Friend reports.

TublingWeirBridgeIt was used by cyclists, runners and walkers, who now have to divert onto the busy A281 to access the towpath and the Wey.

Closed access

It was the National Trust that closed access to both the towpath and Tumbling Weir Bridge (pictured} after both were washed away during heavy rain five years ago.

Zöe Franklin has met the National Trust to find out when the towpath will be repaired and the access once again opened.

There were problems as to who would pay for the repair, but  this is now settled after discussions with Guildford Borough Council to split the £800,000 with the National Trust that will include costs for the towpath and collapsed bridge.