New home wanted for model of Stratford's history and waterway

Published: Wednesday, 07 February 2024

MANY of Stratford's citizens, including school parties, with be aware of Stratford Railway Museum.

Which is Harry Cowan’s model views of the town, including its canal, that fills rooms of his home in Rother Street, Roger Fox reports.

StratfordMuseum2New home required

But now, after his death, a new home is required.

He opened the doors during the summers, to what he called the Stratford Railway Museum, with visitors amazed at such detail of his hundreds of models, together with his vast knowledge of the town’s history.

Before he died he asked his son, Will, to dismantle the whole display of the many aspects of the town that he had achieved, he spending nine months dismantling it and at the same time writing down an 80 pages guide of how to put it back together.

Shows how it was

Today the waterside is nothing like it was in the distant past, yet the model shows just how it was..

Will believes it should be kept as it also shows the many aspects of  the history of Stratford, taking 10 years to create.