Pass to the charities commission?

Published: Monday, 05 February 2024

PERHAPS Allan, who discovered that CaRT had falsified its board meeting minutes might like to pass the information they have to the Charities Commission? Writes John Coxon.

After all, as proved by the documents, then it does not appear to be the legitimate actions of a responsible caring charity?

Punish continuous cruisers

I've said it right from the start that CaRT just wanted to punish the continuous cruisers just for being continuous cruisers and this action shows I was right, I think.

If this is the case, and it certainly appears more and more to be so, then it just goes to show that it didn't make a ha'p'orth of difference whether we filled in what I consider to be their scam surveys and consultations or not, as it is apparent to me now, that the result was irrelevant as the decision had already been made.

Stating that boaters voted for a surcharge, when in fact around 60% actually rejected it, just to implement what they knew would be very unpopular surcharges is, I think, dishonest. and not an action that such a major charity should be involved in?

What else?

It also begs the questions though, does it not ... what else has it changed in order to justify an unpopular decision? What other information has been altered or withheld to justify its actions? Perhaps time will tell?

It appears to me that CaRT need a new set of board members? The present lot do not appear to be fit for purpose! So, will they now do the right thing and resign?