So interrupted by stoppages packed it in
I MUST say that I certainly agree with T.Lang that Canal & River Trust are not making life better by water, for boaters, writes James Henry.
Being moored on the Leeds & Liverpool Canal for around 20 years my later cruising became so interrupted by stoppages I decided it just was not worth it, so packed it in. I still get the stoppage notices and received six in September telling of Leeds & Liverpool Canal stoppages—the month I usually spent cruising.
Hated packing up
Though I hated packing up, it just wasn't possible to have the boat down country, and there was no escaping to either the Rochdale or the Huddersfield Narrow, as both get plenty of stoppages now, in fact there are only allowed a few boats per week on the Narrow.
It was in 2006 that we met on the Leeds & Liverpool and had a chat about the pleasures of boating, it being the time when stoppages were a rarity, but are certainly not now.
I used to write frequently for you, but have not as not now a boater, but hope you do not mind.
[You do not have to be a boater to write, James. It is good to hear from you again, please do not hesitate to write—Editor.]