Marple Flight closed for another six months!

Published: Thursday, 12 October 2023

IT WAS way back on the 1st of September that Marple Flight was closed, and is still closed.

All we are told is that the stoppage affecting Lock 7 on the Peak Forest Canal is at the 'design stage', Keith Gudgin reports.

MarpleSceneryWorse news

But worse news for the  boaters wanting to navigate the flight is that though it has been closed since the 1st September it is not likely to be open for another six months!

It was in August that the lock was discovered to have a problem with a 'detailed survey' being carried out.

This concluded that the lock wall has moved substantially over a short period of time, and so the lock can no longer be operated safely even by a managed passage as it would pose a risk to anyone attempting to use it.

So the flight was chained-up and of course no Cheshire Ring to navigate.