A bit behind...

Published: Friday, 02 December 2022

I WON'T name it, so perhaps you will include, writes James Henry.

But I expect boaters will be aware of the publication that lives on CaRT news releases surrounded by little else but adverts.

I have just had a look at its website with the leading story of CaRT setting on a new director followed by news of the CaRT workshop making gates followed by a story of the London towpaths and a internet link to CaRT!

They are long gone

Then it has 'Stuff to Watch'.

This is the Open Day at Shakespeare Marina on October 2022; Thames Flotilla on 24th September 2022; Bratch Locks on August Bank Holiday.

In the event that they don't know, these are way past and so obviously of no use to anyone.  It's obvious they are short of content, but, I ask?

[This is James' third attempt at referring to this particular publication, but now toned down somewhat!—Editor.]