Just use it while we have it—it will soon be gone

Published: Monday, 26 September 2022

Where are CaRT’s priorities? Asks Brian D Jarrett.

I hear more and more boaters questioning this.

OvergrownTowpathOnly when necessary

We have now blue corporate signage around the system.  What ever happened to 'we will only change black and white signs when necessary'?!

Towpaths now being made almost impossible to progress along due to lack of the 'Veg Pledge' of old.

Perhaps this is 'levelling up' allowing the towpath to catch up with the offside of the canal!

Finally, of the two water points at the busy junction at Great Hayward only the one has worked now for well over a year!

More blue signs

But we still have money and labour to put up yet more blue signs. I do feel that a picture is worth a thousand words, so here are two.

Are we all just wasting our time? Just use it while we have it! It will soon be gone..

Blue Signs.