Not the only one to worry

Published: Monday, 25 April 2022

I CAN really associate with Victor's feelings about where it is safe to cruise these days under Canal & River Trust, writes James Henry.

True description

Allan Richards really gave a true description of the problem, his investigation showing Easter culminating on the Monday with 19 waterway stoppages, and that at the start of the season when the so-called winter maintenance should all be finished and the canals in tip-top condition.

(Mind you there was so much of that winter maintenance cancelled it is little surprise of so many failures, and they will keep coming.)

My wife and I take our own fortnight's cruise in May, and like Victor, wonder where the hell it is safe to go. One thing is definitely for sure, it will not be the Leeds & Liverpool Canal, with four closures reported in February and not including any 'winter works'.

Prevented getting back

I should imagine there are many more in the same boat (no pun intended) wondering if they will be prevented getting back by yet another of those interminable stoppages, and like me, dreading reading of the route we have chosen being closed.

I expect we can but hope, but there must be many boaters who have had enough of being caught-out by so many stoppages.