'Post state of repair'?

Published: Monday, 28 March 2022

BOATERS are finding the stoppage notices harder and harder to understand.

Now we have a stoppage notice from Canal & River Trust telling a stoppage is done yet the navigation and towpath are closed! Keith Gudgin reports.

Post state of repair

It's notice reads:

'Please be advised that the navigation and towpath are closed 100 meters both sides of bridge 196, Rigby Lane Bridge on the Grand Union Canal, due to a fallen high voltage power cable which is currently in a post state of repair.'

Surely if it is is a 'post state' this signifies that the stoppage at Hayes on the Grand Union has been attended to, that obviously it has not.  And it is 'metres' not meters in this country!

Time and time again its stoppage notices are mistaken or semi illiterate—as this one.  Surely there must be someone at Canal & River Trust who has enough common sense to produce a sensible stoppage notice without such glaring errors?