Should be captive for longer

Published: Friday, 12 November 2021

IT IS many years since I last wrote having given up boating some 15 year ago, writes Martin Young.

But my family have taken up boating and I was invited for a cruise that brought back some very happy times, though I found a vast difference in the state of the canals.

Writing on lock gate beams

Coming up the Hillmorton Flight last month I saw that writing on the lock gate beams and wondered why?  More money than sense I expect as the locks could have done with some spending on them.

Just saw your article about the the mix-up at the locks and your using the picture stating 'Captive for a while', and wouldn't be surprised if some boater crossed out the 'while' and added 'months', that if it was to be closed until way in December would be nearer the truth.

[Thank you for your added kind words Martin, but alas do not publish self praise, but pleased to learn you are back boating, and agree with you about the state of the waterways—Editor.]