Saved boat from sinking

Published: Thursday, 16 September 2021

I TOO have noticed a number of boats on the Oxford Canal last week having all paddles open, writes T. Lang.

It is not only hire boaters, as you encountered, but private boaters too, in fact I saw some most alarming activities by private boaters, with one on a boat named Ours Only jammed firmly on the cill of one lock just about ready to sink, and only the quick response of a boater and myself dropping the bottom paddles and opening the top ones, preventing it going down.

Complete lack of knowledge

The antics of the two on that boat had accumulated four boats, mine include, in its wake, such was their slow progress and complete lack of knowledge of operating locks, many times having both top and bottom paddles open.

Instead of all those silly blue signs, how about some sensible ones, perhaps at the end of each waterway telling how to operate locks.

Mind you (in Victor mode) CaRT would have to find someone from its varied people, who actually knew how!