There are others

Published: Monday, 09 August 2021

YOUR contributor, Brian D Jarrett did well in referring to the towpath in Woodseaves Cutting, writes Ann Sherman.

He did so as a statement as to where Canal & River Trust's priorities lie, but the Oxford Canal, that I understand is rated as the second most popular hire destination has similar towpaths as we encounted during our recent cruise.

TowpathOxfordWhere do priorities lie?

I attach a picture of just a part of the towpath of the Southern Oxford, that is a disgrace and impossible to use, whilst more and more money is being squandered on upgrading so many to fast cycle tracks, which prompts me to join in with the others who are asking where do Canal & River Trust's priorities lie in its attempt to turn the waterways into a linear park for cyclists to the detriment of us boaters?

Perhaps I should point out Section 329 of the Highways Act 1980 concerning towpaths meaning 'a highway over which the public have the following but no other' rights of way, that is to say, a right of way on foot and a right of way on horseback or leading a horse'.

Ropes on narrowboats...

In addition, in the case of the Grand Junction Canal Company 21 QB 273 Lord Esher stated: 'If the horse or the towrope and the foot passenger are in one another's way, the foot passenger must look out for himself and get out of the way.'

I make no further comment.