Two more swing bridge failures

Published: Thursday, 03 June 2021

YOU can tell that boating is now in full swing.

Spencers Swing Bridge (36) between the Rufford Branch and Parbold on the Leeds & Liverpool Canal failed yesterday, Keith Gudgin reports.

LATEST:  Spencer's Swing Bridge now reopened.

Swing bridge team

This follows the failures with Crabtree and Gawflat swing bridges on the navigation, which it is believed, prompted a 'swing bridge team'!

This time however staff are on hand during normal working hours to operate the bridge and allow boats through until it is fixed.

And another

The other swing bridge failure could take a while to repair as there is an issue with the bridge control system.

Glasson Swing Bridge (9) at Glasson Dock on the Lancaster Canal failed on Tuesday until further notice with contractors sourcing replacement parts.