RYA calls for continuation of red diesel

Published: Wednesday, 07 October 2020

THE Royal Yachting Association has called HM Treasury to ensure that fuel supplies for recreational craft are ensured.

The RYA fears that if concessions are made for some marine fuel users, particularly for the fishing industry, then the government’s proposals will severely affect fuel supply for recreational boaters as it will not be economically viable for marine businesses to provide white and red diesel, particularly in the more remote areas of the country.

Consultation concluded

The consultation, ‘Reforms to the tax treatment of red diesel and other rebated fuels,’ was launched in July and concluded on 1st October. It sought views on whether other sectors should be entitled to use red diesel beyond April 2022, proposals for a new relief scheme that would enable suppliers to deduct the duty difference white diesel intended for non-propulsion use from the sale price and flushing of fuel tanks.

The RYA’s main case for the continued use of red diesel has always been about the potential lack of availability of white diesel at the waterside.  The RYA response calls on government to ensure that supplies of fuel for recreational use for propulsion and domestic usage are assured; supports proposals that recreational boaters will not have to flush their tanks and supports a new relief scheme that allows craft users to declare accurately the amount of diesel they intend to use for non-propulsion, with its Director of External Affairs, Howard Pridding, commenting:

Red diesel

“The RYA's preferred position has always been and remains unchanged in that we consider that the use of duty-paid red diesel is the simplest means of maintaining supply for all recreational boaters on the coast and on inland waterways.

“If the Government makes concessions on the continued use of red diesel after April 2022 for other marine fuel users, excluding recreational boating, then the availability of fuel at the waterside will come into question, as it will not be economically viable for marine businesses to provide two types of fuel.