All in lockdown?

Published: Monday, 08 June 2020

THE waterways internet at the moment must all be in lockdown, writes James Henry.

Some have stopped with no updates at all whilst others are giving us just the occasional Canal & River Trust blurb as they must not upset same.  And the magazines—very much like the BBC, all churning out endless repeats!  Repeats that we of course had read so often before including the 89th version of cruising the Caldon Canal!

They must really be in lockdown, but pleased to see you are not, in fact, if I dare (allowed?) you have never had it so good, and keeping us very well (and truthfully) entertained day after day with good stuff from your many contributors.

And I too must add my congratulations to Allan for his real investigative reporting into the Toddbrook dam failure that obviously took a lot of effort but showed the truth at last.

I had better not write too much about the others as I could be banned again!  [James was banned from writing in narrowboatworld for a while many years ago for disparaging remarks about Waterways World, but we believe he is somewhat proud of it!]