Safer off the lead and trained

Published: Friday, 03 April 2020

I HAVE to admit that not being connected with canals I am not a reader of your site, but an article was pointed out to me, writes Cyril Foster.

I am however connected with the training of dogs for the various services, and must correct S Walton's statement in his article 'Dogs on towpaths should be on leads and under strict control of their owners'.

Not on a lead

The only way a dog is safe on such as a narrow towing path is if it properly trained, and certainly not on a lead for it is not then under strict control, as S Walton believes.

My experience of 32 years with dogs is that an untrained dog on a lead will suddenly dart across a path, so pulling the owner's arm out and easily reaching a distance of five feet, often tripping up a passer-by or jumping up its target in the process.

Child being dragged

All too often I have seen really uncaring people allowing their children to lead a dog (or more often being pulled by the animal) and the child being dragged into a dangerous situation.

Then there are those on extending leads, that really should be banned, often causing mayhem as they tangle with people whilst the owner unsuccessfully attempts to reel its resisting animal in.

Not in a class of misbehaving dogs

The only answer is for a dog to be properly trained, and most certainly not in a class of misbehaving dogs, but one to one by a professionally trained instructor.  If undertaken correctly, then, and only then. will the owner be in complete control.

I should add that it will not be expensive, for most dogs can be taught to keep to your side whatever the circumstances, and if allowed to roam will immediately 'stay' at your command, no matter the attraction be it human or canine. then a 'here' will bring it straight back to you.

More in control

But there is the problem of such as S Walton who sees a dog off a lead and so believes it is not under 'strict control', but I can assure the person that if well trained it is more in control and much less of a problem than if on a lead.  Alas, the huge majority are not, so the lead has to be the poor substitute.