Has River Canal Rescue changed its name?

Published: Friday, 06 March 2020

READING the stoppage notice from the Canal & River Trust I notice that the rescue company has had a name change, writes James Henry.

In its explanation concerning the boat stuck on the bridge on the Soar it says: 'Canal River Rescue have been out on site today, to do an initial assessment of the situation.  The water level is still too high for them to begin the removal and they will need to wait for the water to come down a bit more'.

Same again

Then later on it states the same again, so has there been a name change, or is it that Canal & River Trust have decided that Canal River Rescue sounds better as it puts the importance on canals (first) rather than rivers?

But I see you have included the correct name, so I guess it is another 'Cartism' as Victor calls the many mistakes these days in stoppage notices.