THE death of Des Hutton who died after falling in the Trent & Mersey Canal at Willington was accidental, it was ruled by Coroner Dr Robert Hunter at Derby and South Derbyshire Coroner’s Court, though alcohol had a bearing.
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BECAUSE Wayne Bonner fell into the Rochdale Canal in Manchester's Gay Village, £200,000 is to be spent on a 3ft 6in high post and rail fence even though there is already an existing wall protecting the canal.
The fence, which will run the length of the exposed canal on the street, will be erected to prevent people scrambling over the wall and falling into the water by the many bars and drinking clubs.
The problem is that drinkers sit on the wall, so reinforced glass panels will fill the `gap' between the rail and the wall, to prevent drinkers from sitting on the wall and dangling their legs under the rail.
The application will go to the planning committee later this summer, and it is expected that construction could then begin immediately.
The rail-and-post fence will cost around £102,060, plus installation costs, with the glass panels costing a further £97,200.
This is the fourth death by drowning that the present coroner has presided over, and was so concerned that he contacted the city council and British Waterways.
Volunteer bar staff have also been trained to throw rescue ropes into the canal to drinkers who have fallen in.- Details
THE Inland Waterways Association today gave a cautious welcome to British Waterways’ announcement on restructuring, whilst offering sympathy to those facing redundancy.
THE controversial scheme to upgrade over 40 miles of the Bridgewater Canal towpath into a cycle track, named the Bridgewater Way has started.
At a cost of £8 millions it will upgrade the last remaining canal 'no cycling' towpath into a fast cycleway, with its backers claiming it will attracted 500,000 people a year!
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THE Huddersfield Narrow Canal is closed owing to a severe leak of water from the canal into a culvert on the East side of the tunnel.
The waterway is now closed between locks 22E and Lock 42E, and boaters approaching from Huddersfield must wind at the winding hole before Lock 22E. No passage is allowed past this winding hole.
The waterway is at present dewatered between Lock 27E and 32E. If you have a tunnel booking in the next week, please contact the Business Support Team on 0113 2816860
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IT HAS been announced today (Wednesday) that BW is proposing an internal restructure of its operations in England and Wales with the creation of 11 smaller waterway units, the removal of a layer of management and approximately 100 redundancies from office staff.
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STOURBRIDGE Canal has been closed again, and de-watered at the site of the recent breach.
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His theme was the present 'spendaholic' Government 'which wasted billions of taxpayers money on a swarm of unaccountable quangos that has infested our country under Labour'.
He picked out individuals on high salaries, including Ofcom Chief Executive Ed Richards on £400,000 and British Waterways Board bosses Robin Evans, Nigel Johnson, James Froomberg and Phillip Ridal, whose combined salaries, he commented reach £900,000, which was enough to employ 30 nurses.
However, David should get himself better advisers, for James Froomberg, for one, left that position last year.- Details
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