AFTER a coroner suggested a fence along Rochdale Nine in Manchester, British Waterways, well into its health and safety mode, hastened to accede, no matter the cost of the fence and the danger to boaters.
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JUST two weeks after a narrowboat fire on the Kennet & Avon Canal, another boat has been burnt out, but this time the occupants escaped the blaze.
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KIRKLEES Council which takes in the Calder & Hebble Navigation and the Huddersfield canals is the latest authority worried about the problem caused on the upgraded towpaths by cyclists.
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By Allan Richards
Replacing a ten year strategy early with a different ten year strategy has led boaters to greet British Waterways' new '2020 vision' with a unhealthy combination of apathy and scepticism.
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THERE is to be a new pub at Wolverton, which is being built as part of the development of the old railway carriage works, Roger Fox tells us.
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A MAJOR fire broke out at the Longport Wharf on Monday devastating the ground and first floor of the Trent Boat Building Co Ltd, and cutting off power supplies.
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THE Inland Waterways Association, in principle, is 'fully set against roving mooring permits', and seeks instead a better and more assertive enforcement of overstaying ‘fines'.
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AT THE Chesterfield Canal Festival on Saturday, Councillor Shaukat Ali, the Mayor of Rotherham, opened The Chesterfield Canal Festival. He made a short speech.
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IT WAS revealed, at a meeting last week, that the total cost of the statue on the Millennium Ribble Link will be over £60,000.
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