Cyclists in contention

Published: Monday, 09 February 2015

I JUST cannot understand the dual prong of Canal & River Trust in promoting fast cycling and visitors to its canals, for they are in contention with each other, writes James Henry.

The upgraded well paved cycle tracks that are appearing all over the system obviously promote speed, yet the Trust wants more and more pedestrians to visit the canals, with the two in direct opposition, as I certainly would not consider taking my grandchildren to 'feed the ducks' any more, though they do pester me, but I feel the upgrading of the towpath to a cycle track is far too dangerous for four and six years olds.

Downright Dangerous

Where I live, the cycle 'rat race' has transferred from the road to the very handy upgraded towpath, where it is downright dangerous to walk come mornings and late afternoons. I have been speaking to two usual dog walkers I often meet, who both now are very wary of the fast cyclists, one telling me his dog was hit by a cyclist and had to be treated by the vet—he showing me the poor thing's stitches. Of course he was cursed for having a dog on the towpath. He now plans the walk when he feels the towpath is safer.

As the other dog walker was speaking to me, two cyclists, both with their heads down came hurtling—and that is the actual word to describe them—past, so he told me that was it, he was finding a different and safer place to exercise his dog.


As to whether the two and I are counted in those millions of visitors that CaRT would have us believe, I don't know, but asking the two I speak with, they don't consider so, as they say they have no interest in the canal whatsoever just a place to walk their dogs.

Even though a boater, I use the towpath for a short distance to get to the shops, but I certainly don't consider myself a visitor to the canal, just using a short-cut along the towpath, that I can't see myself doing much longer!