Email: BBC reporting

Published: Saturday, 31 January 2015
I am not in the least surprised at the BBC telling that the Leeds & Liverpool Canal is to be resurfaced, as it tells an inordinate amount of crap.

Time and time again I have noticed glaring mistakes in its waterway reports, in addition to being unable to understand that 'barges' on the waterways have long gone. It gets the wrong waterway and often misspells it when it gets it right, as well as its sometimes hilarious description of the working of lock gates and paddles.

Okay, so everyone does not know about the canals and their workings, but surely it is the simplest thing to just check. With the massive number of people the BBC employs surely there is the facility to check absolutely everything.

But it must have been a sheer nut-case who could not realise you cannot resurface a waterway—it's water, as its name so obviously suggests.

Brian Cripps