Good use for 48hr moorings

Published: Wednesday, 30 April 2014

THE owner of Graize has found good use for the 48hr moorings on Sawley Cut—leaving his unfinished wide beam moored there for a fortnight with a 'For Sale' notice prominently displayed!

It is one towpath where there are walkers and cyclists, so who knows, he could get a 'bite', but should it be allowed there taking up 48hr moorings for a fortnight—or perhaps longer now?

Another obstacle

Mind you, that is not the only obstacle on the limited moorings—here's a picture of a Canal & River Trust work boat that has been firmly ensconced right in the middle of the water point on Sawley Cut since March, and if past instances are anything to go by it will be there all summer.

The only hope is that some boater, desperate to fill up, and not knowing of the other water points, doesn't slip and injure him or herself whilst scrambling across the empty boat.

Awkward places

Since the new waterways regime came into place work boats are being moored in the most awkward places. Here's another well and truly on the lock moorings above Derwent Mouth Lock, a lock that gets rather busy during the season with so many marinas in the offing.

Boaters are complaining that there is steel piling all the way from the lock to the bridge, where the boat could have been left well out of the way, and it is not even just taking up the  last bollard on the lock, but using four of them, leaving very restricted mooring indeed.