Email: New swans

Published: Wednesday, 22 January 2014

I would just like to say that although the male and a number of cygnets did die last summer at Market Drayton, (regarding Richard Swan's comment) of what we were told was botulism,the female and the other cygnets did survive.

Last autumn the female chased the younger cygnets off 'her patch' as is normal, but then went herself. Only a few weeks later, another pair of swans arrived, and have settled in well at Talbot Wharf.

There are lots of folks feeding them—including myself—quantities of swan food (which is sold in Wilkinsons nationwide) and is now also sold by Tim and Lisa at Talbot Wharf. The swans love it, and are tapping on the side of the boat both morning and evening if we don't realise that they are there and waiting! They also appear to be getting ready to nest—so hopefully we will have a new family later in the year. We will keep you posted!

Kate Davies