CaRT ignoring opposition

Published: Thursday, 21 March 2013

CANAL  & River Trust is pressing ahead with its draconian mooring restrictions, despite overwhelming opposition from boaters, writes Allan Richards.

A 750 signature petition calling for the proposals to be scrapped, two boating organisations calling for them to be deferred and individual responses indicating that they do not agree with the proposals are being ignored according to those who have attended a workshop to discuss the 'grumbles consultation' (Now its grumbles).

No justification

CaRT's consultation document outlined its proposals for additional mooring restrictions and the imposition of fines for overstaying at 22 sites in its South East region. However, to date, it has been unable to provide any justification whatsoever except for what it named as 'grumbles'.

Volunteers who have analysed just under a third of the 357 responses to the consultation for CaRT suggest just 20% are largely or totally in favour of the proposals with 65% largely or totally against and 15% neutral.

However, an unsigned interim report from CaRT says that the number of responses is split 50/50 for and against the proposals!


Challenged as to why its interim report makes no mention of those that had responded collectively, either via petition or user groups, CaRT has responded by the excuse that it is about 'quality' not 'numbers'.

It just as well might have said it is 'quality not grumbles'!