Email: Muddy the waters?

Published: Wednesday, 26 December 2012

I do wish Pam Pickett, and all the others who either mis-understand or for some reason wish to muddy the waters between those who are continuous cruisers and continuous moorers, would try to see that most of us mere leisure boaters have no argument with the former (other than a little envy!)

But we do resent the latter for taking up lots of short term moorings at the most desirable sites, including water points and service blocks, and of course at zero cost!

Yes, I, and many others, do resent the fact that those who continuously moor for free are scrounging on those of us who pay for what they think it's fine to take for nothing.

Many of us mere or is it 'sad' leisure boaters have aspirations to be continuous cruisers one day, so why would we denigrate those we wish to join.

Please try to understand the difference, you may wish to subsidise the scroungers but many of us do not—is this not also a matter of personal choice. Simples!

A 'mere Leisure Boater' of some 50 years cruising. (With aspirations to continuously cruise in the not too distant future.)

Graham Westgate