Another breach in the offing?

Published: Monday, 26 November 2012

TODAY, Monday was the fourth time in six months that Aston Marina has flooded though lack of maintenance.

The cause is heavy rain which in turn causes the Trent to rise and come over the towpath into the Trent & Mersey Canal just below Aston Lock.

Know about it

This is caused as the towpath over around three sections of 20 yards has been allowed to drop too low, allowing water to gush over and into the canal and thus the marina. The adjoining photograph of the main towpath with water overflowing from the Trent was sent to CaRT the last time it happened.

Canal & River Trust were today sent further photographs showing the situation, but the only advice was to ring the emergency number.

Can't do anymore

When CaRT's Darren Green, Waterway Manager, Central Shires, was informed he wrote:

'My team have been preparing....however we are at the mercy of the river Trent along this length so if it decides to overtop then we can't do anymore than we are already doing.... but this section is in the flood plain so if we dump it all we will only get it back further water controllers are out and will continue to monitor and do whatever we can'.

It was Sunday

Yesterday the water continued to rise, and there was no sign of any operatives at the scene, with the water still rising in the river and even more going into the canal—but it was Sunday.

At Sandon Lock the water was about an inch below the sides of the lock, as can be seen, with the bywash water at its limit.

There was no water whatsoever going into the overspill towards Aston, that meant it was either too small or blocked.

Still no operatives

Just a little further on the canal and the water was over-topping the bank with a considerable amount of water going down an adjacent culvert.  Still no operatives around.

It is thought that if, after the first set of floods in July, sandbags had been placed at strategic places the amount of water coming in from the Trent could be reduced considerably. Or failing that raise the towpath six inches with hardcore.


This morning it is thought the canal over-topped because nobody lifted a paddle at Sandon. There is no SCADA in the pound and the flood ground paddle has been removed, so lifting a paddle at Sandon is the only way of reducing the level.

To top it all the ground paddle is out at Sandon Lock so the only way to dump water is the gate paddle!

Is there yet another avoidable breach is the offing?