Increase in metal thefts

Published: Wednesday, 20 June 2012

THE Inland Waterways Association is warning its groups and others of the increase in metal thefts, with insurers, boat clubs, local authorities, historic building owners and a wide range of waterways organisations reporting an increase.

It tells of theft of plant, equipment and anything made of metal, together with a steep rise in the theft of outboard engines and other equipment from all types of boats left on canal-side moorings.

Particular vulnerable

Premises without a permanent presence are a particular vulnerable target for such thefts, and boat clubs, waterway societies and others with premises containing equipment are urged to ensure that every precaution is taken against become a victim of such crimes. The association suggests security precautions to consider include:

  • Make sure no metal property, even scrap, is visible on your land—keep it hidden and locked away.
  • Secure your gates by welding a nut onto the hanging bracket so thieves can't lift them off.
  • Metal thieves will also seize upon any plant, machinery or vehicles that are not secure. Use chains, ground anchors and door locks to keep them safe.
  • Mark your property, using data tagging, and engrave your postcode where practicable.
  • Register your property with—it costs nothing to do so, and may help property retrieval in the event of theft.
  • Check that you are adequately insured.